Selling  Global Europe 2 Full iris,apis,zeus, lot of ammo,lf4, ships, cyborg etc

Discussion in 'Dark Orbit Accounts For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Marek8484, 6/6/19.

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  1. Marek8484

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    Hi I have decide to sell my another account in DO, reason is that I am plaing other games, so why should not I sold it right ?

    lvl 18 (almost 19), Server GE2, full skylab, 31 Profil points, 300K Uri


    2,5M x2, 900K x3, 400K x4, 65k rsb, 745K sab, 13K sar 02, 4K herlstrom, 2K uber rocket, 44K plt 2021, 18K plt 3030, 2,2K pld rocket, 1,8K ice rocket, 100 emp, enough mines for 670 ish or smart bomb,

    formations - diamond, moth, hearth, drill, cycle ,

    Ships and Designs

    Diminisher - argon,
    Cyborg - frozen,carbon,
    Spectrum - Ocean,
    Aegis,Aegis-E - Poison,
    Citadel,Citadel veteran,
    Venom - Blaze,Ocean,
    Pusat - Sandstorm,poison,blaze,
    Goliath-X - sandstorm,borealis
    All veng except lighting

    Missing ships - Hammer,Mimesis, Centurion, Saturn, SUrgeon, Hecate, V-Lighting and some credit ships which is not that important.

    Another info about acc.

    All Iris,Apis and Zeus ( second apis - 45/45, second zeus 23/45 )

    6x Hercules, 11x Havoc, some cosmetic designs on drones and pet, like inferno pet,

    Lsasers - 5x LF4-HP, 2x LF4-MD, 2x LF4-PD, 28x normal LF4, 60+ LF3, Remember that you can easy get 10x Prometheus for missions wich are already available,

    Upgrades - Only some drones 5x lvl 8, 1x lvl 7, 2x lvl 6, apis lvl 2 zeus lvl 1,

    2 mega seprom in lasers, 200K in rockets, 100K xenomit, 350 I-oil to build mimesis or hammer,

    If you have any specific question feel free to ask, if you want pictures only in private message,

    Price is 100 $ it is fair. Do not discus about price, there are middleman fees etc so in conclusion i will be have like 80 maybe :), Or if you want go to without middleman ( avoid fees ) you have to pay first (85 $ ) and then i will change everything. (e-mail, give acc etc..)

    do-menu.png do-menu.png do-ships.png do-inventar-other.png do-profil-extra.png
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  2. OP

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    Hi guys, there is account Update... lot of things changed, (amunition,lasers,designs,udirium,credits)

    2,5M x2 - now 2,3M , 900K x3 - now 600K x3 , 400K x4 - now 150K x4 , 65k rsb -now 45K , 745K sab - 650K sab , 13K sar 02 -12K sar , 4K herlstrom - 600 , 2K uber rocket - nothing , 44K plt 2021 32K plt21 , 18K plt 3030 - same , 2,2K pld rocket - same , 1,8K ice rocket 1,7K , 100 emp - zero , enough mines for 670 ish or smart bomb - 570 ,

    Still pretty much ammunition to enojoy game with pleasure... thing is that I do not played in this time gates which give lot of ammo so there wont be problem to you get tons of amunition due to uri on acc (abg is almost for free) and equipment.

    Lasers +8 Prometheus lasers (which are best in game now) and another mission on next laser is almost done..

    Designs - Tartarus sandstorm

    Credits - - 300M

    Uridium - from 300K to 262K (i bought pet gear - alien finder lvl 3 and protocol 2x radar lvl 2) it was not previous in this acc. Also Build alpha gate :D

    I forgot in previous coment add GG so there is actual info about

    GG -

    Alpha one is on Map and second 6/34
    Beta - 41/48
    Gamma - 66/82
    Delta 22/128
    Zeta 8/111
    Epsilon 5/99
    Kappa 32/120
    Lambda 0/45
    Kronos 7/21
    Hades 2/45
    Kuiper 12/100

    Price is same 100 $
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    Picture of prometheus

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