Selling  High End Selling 8 8/8s and 9 8/8s

Discussion in 'Realm of the Mad God Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by yamamitoken, 6/6/19.

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  1. yamamitoken

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    I am selling two accounts with 8 chars all maxed and 9 chars all maxed.
    Lots of vaults opened in both account
    8 8/8's account have rare maxed pet Hp/Mp/*
    9 8/8's account have Elec 90/ Heal 90/ Magic 78

    the price of 8 8/8's is lower than the 9 8/8's

    Talk to me on discord for offers Yamamito Ken#5815 or Message me on my phone 317-665-4780

    Warning: This account will not come with email or security questions, as I myself do not have them at all.
    I bought this account from someone else long ago, and I maxed both of the account, but there's never been any problem.
    If you think I am a scammer or untrustworthy, you can scram. Payments will be accepted through Paypal, and buyers will go first because if scammed I cannot retrieve the account at all so, buyers must go first.
    If you think I will scam, I will show you my ID, House Address, and everything so you can trust me.
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  2. PlayerUp

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    [trigger]Guide - How To Report A Dispute

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    If someone you believe has scammed you, please open a Dispute Form Here. Filing a report takes 2 minutes and will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter and sorry to hear about the problems you experienced.

    [trigger=by]For: yamamitoken Re: #1[/trigger]
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