This account has 81 5 star heroes with good IVs like Fallen Robin, Fallen Tiki, Mareeta and more, I provide full access to this account if you need to change the email for security purposes. If you have any questions please PM me, here are some pics of the account The IVs of the characters: Fallen Tiki +Atk/-Res L!Azura +HP/-Def Eir Neutral IV B!Veronica Neutral IV Alfonse Neutral IV B!Celica +Def/-Spd Saber +Res/-Spd Silvia +Spd/-Def Mareeta +Atk/-Def L!Roy +HP/-Def Rutger Neutral IV Lyn +Def/-Atk Mia +Def/-Res L!Ike Neutral IV Owain +Spd/-Def Soleil +Atk/-Spd Zephiel Neutral IV Valentine Ike +Def/-Atk Black Knight Neutral IV Laegjarn +HP/-Def Idunn +Def/-Atk Flora (Merged) +Atk Spring Palla +Def/-Res Celica +Spd/-Atk Lilina +Atk/-HP Winter Tharja +Spd/-Def Valetine Titania Neutral IV Leo +Atk/-HP Aversa Neutral IV Fjorm Neutral IV B!Lucina +Atk/-Def Valentine Eliwood Neutral IV B!Hector +Spd/-Atk New Year Laegjarn Neutral IV Nailah +Atk/-Res Panne Neutral IV Selkie +Spd/-Res Naesala Neutral IV L!Lucina +Spd/-Def Ylgr +Atk/-HP Kliff Neutral IV Mae +Atk/-HP Fallen Delthea Neutral IV Reinhardt +Atk/-Def L'Arachel +Atk/-Def Summer Corrin +HP/-Res Valentine Hector +Res/-Atk Halloween Dorcas Neutral IV Greil +HP/-Def Spring Alfonse +HP/-Atk Walhart Neutral IV Haar Neutral IV Reyson (Merged) +HP Fallen Robin (Merged) +Def Myrrh +Atk/-HP L!Lyn +HP/-Res New Year Fjorm +Spd/-Res Halloween Kagero +Spd/-HP Hostile Springs Hinoka +HP/-Atk Young Azura Neutral IV Olwen +Spd/-Def Valentine Lilina +Def/-HP Picnic Leo Neutral IV SF Nino +Def/-Spd Yune +Def/-Res Leanne +Res/-Spd Duma +Spd/-Def L!Alm +HP/-Def Valentine Roy +Res/-HP B!Lyn Neutral IV Bridal Louise Neutral IV Spring Loki Neutral IV WF Hinoka (Merged) +Spd Summer Takumi +HP/-Def Spring Kagero +Def/-HP Hostile Springs Camilla Neutral IV Loki +Atk/-Def Mikoto +Def/-Res New Year Laevatein +Def/-Res Clarine +Res/-HP Halloween Mia +Atk/-Def