PRICE # IGN: Synthetic (name change still available) Gloriville Server Currently a member of Pengu Pout. Ranked top 100 WB currently with 0 effort. Past ranked top 50 in first Pizza event, top tier in Turkey. Lvl 20 Restaurant, Lvl 15 Fishing 9.6k stam saved, additional 47k restaurant chests + 260~ stam potions 830050k gold, 110k+ every type of fishing crystal 3k+ gems, 40 UR artifact tickets, 975 trials tickets Basic URs all 5*, Pizza 5*, Turkey 5* This account has 12,000 rebate points = around 2k USD I'm willing to let this account go relatively cheaply, don't have the time to play this game anymore. Contact me over discord (mesamec#1072) if you have specific questions or if you want to negotiate.
Maintaining rank for now in mapo event, overall rank is currently 99. Offers for the account are still welcome, get in contact with me if you want me to keep the rank in the top 100 if you need time before buying or something.
Forgot to update, Mapo 4* with 4th artifact slot unlocked (also the reason for list below), still in top 100 of WB on Gloriville. Banked stam dropped to 3.6k~, no more stam pots/restaurant chests. No more UR artifact tickets or trials tickets Majority of gems spent during Mapo event Buy Now price lowered a bit to compensate. Some answers to random questions I get asked often: Damage talent tree passives are maxed First time purchase bonus for gems still available (except for $100) No, this account wasn't made on Nox, it was made with an old Google Pixel that eventually broke and got trashed. No IMEI trickery here.