Sold EU Ezi 9k gs Ebonsong

Discussion in 'Archeage Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Luigi0401, 5/21/19.

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  1. Luigi0401

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    Hi, Im selling my Archeage Account to buy an different Archeage Accoun, because I want to play melee.
    What does the Account offer:
    - 9k gs Ebonsong
    - all hiram gear (1 peace left for epic buff)
    - +19 brilliant hiram guardian bow
    - auto-loot pet
    - kirin, freezin soulscar, gallant coalmane snowlion, stormwing pegasus, tame seabug, gallant blacktail leomorph
    - enhanced sloth glider, enhanced umbrella magithopter
    - house with 100 slot box, 100 labor bed (have the pajama too)
    I will keep playing the game as I have a daily labor stipend, so it should be easy to get one piece to epic.
    If you have any further questions feel free to write me on this site or on discord: Eragon#3202
    Price can be discussed, I have never selled an account before, so I have no idea how much its worth. ;-)
    If you want to buy the Account, I will change the Account Email Adress to yours.

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