hi the refund is completed but i did not receive the money yet to may bank account i want be sure is every thing going good or not and if u can make it faster
Hello, We received your middleman support ticket. Please note we are EXTREMELY backed up on replies right now. This is now a PENDING ticket and an agent will respond to and resolve this issue shortly. Please accept our apologies for the lack of communication/delays on our replies here. Meanwhile if this issue has already been RESOLVED, we would kindly ask if you could update this ticket stating it has been so we can process these backed up tickets quickly. Thank you!
We apologize for the wait here. This order was already refunded. Full details were provided here: https://www.playerup.com/conversati...p-transaction-id-1130000000354181519.1016450/ The pending charge on your statement should be removed by bank shortly if it hasn't already been done already.