Selling Big life time account, many zen items, lock box ships and event items

Discussion in 'Star Trek Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Samyueru, 5/19/19.

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  1. Samyueru

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    Hello I don't really play the game anymore and instead of just letting the account die it would be better to find it a new home.
    You can continue directly with the new expension, continue one of the low level event character or make a new one.
    Most of the high level characters have their own ship with a set of space equipments. I always tried to be fluffy so the equipement is not the most optimised but you can do all PVE without trouble.
    If all the ships are not enough there is enough EC to buy a new lock box ship and with the life time subscription you get 500 free ZEN each month to buy key or save them to buy a new ship.

    If you have questions you can send me a message.

    You will find in this account (simple list all the characters equipment is not listed):

    Life time subscription
    ZEN Store items :
    Age of Discovery Starter Pack
    Gamma Vanguard Starter Pack
    Gamma Vanguards Pack

    Ships T6 :
    Federation : Alita class heavy escort carrier, Arbiter class battlecruiser Hestial class advanced escort, Jupiter class carrier, Dauntless Experimental class science ship, Operation command battlecruiser, Pathfinder long rande science vessel, Science command Battlecruiser, Scryer Intel Science vessel, Tactical Command Battlecuiser, Tactical escort – Valiant class

    Romulian : Jhu'ael Tactical Carrier warbird, Morrigu Heavy warbird, Science pilot warbird – Jaeih class

    Klingon : Kurak Battlecruiser

    All factions : Cardassian Intel Escort, Cardassion Intel Flight-deck cruiser, Cardassian Intel Science Dradnought, Jem'hadar Vanguard Carrier, Len'hadar Vanguard Dreadnought, Jem'hadar Vanguard heavy raider, Jem'hadar Vanvuard Warship, Temporal Multi-mission science vessel

    Ships T5 :
    Federation : Avenger Federation Battle cruiser, Caitian atox carrier, Defiant tactical escort retrofit

    Romulinan :Ar'kif tactical carrier warbird retrofit, Dhelan warbird retrofit, Dyson romulan science destroyer bundle, T'varo light warbird retrofit

    Klingon : Kar'fi battle carrier

    All factions : cardassian galor cruiser, Jem'hadar dreadnought carrier, jem'hadar heavy escort carrier

    Ships t4 :
    Sao paulo tactical escort refit, Ar'kala actical warbird

    Sips t3 :
    Thunderchild heavy escort refit, Valdore heavy warbird, Vandal destroyer

    Ships t2 :
    Rhode island science vessel refit

    Ships t1 :
    Prototype light exploration cruiser

    Small craft :
    Peregrine attack fighter, Runabout : yellowstone class, type 7 shuttle, to'duj fighter

    Slot/service :
    Energy credit cap increase

    Uniforms :
    23rd Century command tunic, 23rd century dress uniform, 23rd century medical uniform, 23rd century mirror universe uniform, discovery crew uniform, enterprise (22nd century) uniform, enterprise mirror uniform 2160, formal set 21st century, intelligence uniforms, jem'hadar tactical uniform, jupiter uniforms, kilt uniform, mercenary set, open jacket uniforms, section 31 uniforms, skant uniform, T'pol uniform, talaxian clothing

    Personnel :
    Jem'hadar vanguard bridge officers


    Event ships T6:

    Vulcan T'pau scout ship, Fek'ihri s'torr warship, Breen Plesh Tral heavy raider, Breen Rezreth dreadnought cruiser, Breen chel Boalg warship, Ferengi warship, Vorgon Xyfius Heavy Escort, Kobali Samsar Cruiser, Krenim science vessel, Lukari Ho'kuun science vessel, Vorgon Ryn'kodan carrier, Vorgon Ytijara dreadnought cruiser, Bajoran Interceptor.


    Jem'hadar (science) 65 (most guama perks done)
    2 reputation lv6, 7 reputation lv5, 3 reputation lv4, 1 reputation lv0
    Lock box ships : T6 jem'hadar dreadnought carrier, Xindi-insectoid Olaen heavy escort carrier
    R&D promo ship : T6 Jem'hadar recon ship
    EC : 296,042,348
    Dilithium : 22620 ore, 96384 refined, 47500 reputation voucher
    fleet credits : 243,448
    3 admiralty lv10, 1 admiralty lv8

    TOS Federation (science) 65 (many tos perks done)
    10 reputation lv5, 1 reputation lv3, 2 reputation lv0
    EC : 1,567,833
    Dilithium : 9181refined, 16000 reputation voucher
    fleet credits : 246,538
    All admiralty done

    Federation (tactical) 65
    9 reputation lv5, 3 reputation lv4, 1 reputation lv0
    Lock box ships : T6 Kelvin timeline intel dreadnought cruiser
    EC : 84,821
    Dilithium : 2402 refined
    fleet credits : 318,445
    1 admiralty lv10, 2 admiralty lv7, 1 admiralty lv5

    Delta recruit Federation (engeneering) 65 (all delta perks done)
    2 reputation lv5, 2 reputation lv4, 1 reputation lv3, 1 reputation lv1, 7 reputation lv0
    fleet credits : 89,981
    1 admiralty lv7, 2 admiralty lv6, 1 admiralty lv4

    Romulian (tactical) 65
    11 reputation lv5, 1 reputation lv1, 1 reputation lv0
    EC : 1,163,600
    Dilithium : 1374 refined
    fleet credits : 314,752
    2 admiralty lv9, 1 admiralty lv8, 1 admiralty lv4

    Romulian (engeneering) 65
    11 reputation lv5, 1 reputation lv4, 1 reputation lv0
    Lock box ships : T6 jem'hadar dreadnought carrier, T6 Jem'hadar heavy escort carrier
    R&D promo ship : T6 Jem'hadar strike ship
    EC : 298,933
    Dilithium : 20,058 refined
    fleet credits : 332,266
    3 admiralty lv10, 1 admiralty lv9
    Jem'hadar (tactical) 65 (almost no guama perks done)
    4 reputation lv5, 1 reputation lv4, 1 reputation lv3, 4 reputation lv2, 1 reputation lv1, 2 reputation lv0
    EC : 1,284,495
    fleet credits : 472,101
    1 admiralty lv9, 1 admiralty lv5, 1 admiralty lv 3, 1 admiralty lv2

    Federation (Science) 65
    11 reputation lv5, 1 reputation lv4, 1 reputation lv0
    Lock box ships : T6 Paradox temporal dreadnought, t5 Mobius temporal destroyer, t5 Wells temporal science vessel, Aeon timeship
    EC : 1,275,031
    fleet credits : 66,688
    3 admiralty lv10, 1 admiralty lv8

    Discovery Federation (tactical) lv7
    nothing interesting

    Delta recruit Romulian (engeneering) 25 (a few delta perks done)
    nothing interesting

    Delta recruit Klingon (tactical) 5 (almost no delta perks done)
    nothing interesting

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