Sold Making new Accounts with X amount of gems

Discussion in 'Yu-Gi-Oh! Yugioh Duel Links Gems for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by max0912, 5/7/19.

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  1. max0912

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    Hi there,

    Place your order with the following points:

    - X gems (amount)
    - minimum* X gold (amount)
    - X stage level DM
    - X stage level GX
    - X stage level 5DS
    - unlock 'character'
    - mininum* 'character' level X

    *highly possible that these will be higher than you actually want

    HOW TO:

    Give the X your prefered number. And if you don't care how much it should be don't change anything. If you want me to don't do anything about it you have to tell me while placing order (make a sidenote). So let's say you want to have Kaiba not leveled because you want to level yourself leave a note in your order.


    - 15'000 gems
    - 2mio gold
    - 30 stage level DM
    - 15 stage level GX
    - X stage level 5DS*
    - Kaiba, Odion, Yugi Muto, Pegasus, Keith**
    - Kaiba 30, Rex 30, Mai 20, Odion 10***

    *Stage level 5DS will be ignored in this example but it can possibly be level 10 because of farming
    **unlocking characters are only possible for not event limited characters. also there will be a good amount of characters already unlocked because of farming. please write only the characters you really want
    ***If you don't mention characters here but you mentioned them in "unlock character", their level will possibly be random. please make sure that all of "charater level X" are also in "unlock character"

    Any other wishes can be discussed. What I don't do:

    - Rank in PVP
    - Building decks (in general no RNG stuff)

    I make an account for you and we can discuss the time and cost on disord/pm. Time and cost depend on your order. The higher your desired amount of gems is the longer it takes.

    It is really important for me and you that you tell me exactly what you want to avoid errors.

    DISCORD: Tilbuinn#1276
    #1 max0912, 5/7/19
    Last edited: 5/7/19
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  2. PlayerUp

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