Ciza21 Order number:1130000000340088907 Hello for past few days we have been trying to refunds Buyyers Ciza21 money, but we can becouse we re not also getting any 3 way conversations or anything. We would like to cancel our order so can buyyer get his money back. Thank you
Hello, We received your middleman support ticket. Please note we are EXTREMELY backed up on replies right now. This is now a PENDING ticket and an agent will respond to and resolve this issue shortly. Please accept our apologies for the lack of communication/delays on our replies here. Thank you!
Please follow this guide: Guide - How To Cancel A Middleman Order | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform.
Please follow this guide: Guide - How To Cancel A Middleman Order | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform.