Sold [✅Affordable Pricing!✅] Cosmic Boosting | High Quality EloBoosting Service | Now Matching...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Boosting - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/cosmic-boosting, 5/6/19.

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  1. /u/cosmic-boosting

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    Hello everbody! We are Cosmic Boosting and we are a League of Legends boosting organization made up of High Elo players whose purpose is to give you the most efficient and comfortable boost possible.

    We pride ourselves on extremely quick services from High Elo players to get you to your desired Elo in no time. We begin boosts within up to moments of you placing your order.

    We use multiple methods that make sure your boost is as discreet is possible such as appearing offline, keeping summoner spells on the same key and a VPN to mask our location.

    If you can find a WEBSITE with cheaper prices thanours we will match it and # 10% off of your order no problem!

    ❗ We are now hiring boosters on every single sever! We give fair cuts and jobs are fairly frequent! Contact me by joining our discord or messaging me on discord Monkey Man#0233

    Hope to see you soon!

    Check out our Website!

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    # #/cosmic-boosting
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