Discussion in 'Red Dead Redemption 2 RDR2 Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell' started by Hack Forums - Premium, 5/4/19.

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  1. Hack Forums - Premium

    Hack Forums - Premium
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    i noticed a that the $50 stellar airdrop from is getting pretty popular now and ofcourse, this is an airdrop worth to participate on.
    The only downside is that you can only do this once, yes you can optionally invite your friends and family to join or do other hard work.

    Well the hard work is over, i found a way to exploit the give away/airdrop, this won't last forever tho, when the airdrop is finished this method becomes useless until another similair airdrop starts.
    That is also why i won't price this for to much.

    Another reason that i'm pricing this cheap is because this method is not rocket science, it's clever tho i must admit that but if you are a long term entrepreneur with a technical background then i'm pretty confident you do know this already, you just didn't think of combining these things to exploit the give-away.

    Do you need to own an ID or #?
    No, that is what the exploit is about.

    Am i commiting fraud?
    No you are not, this is legal.

    Will i need any digital photoshop skills?
    No it's completely unrelated to photoshop.

    Do i need investments?
    No you do not however a $10-$15 investment per time you exploit the # will speed up things.

    How long does it take to perform this?
    That depends, it takes a few minutes per account 7/10 times however it could take a little bit longer sometimes, not more then a couple of hours max per account tho.
    The verification process before you get the $50 is out of my reach and depends on blockchain.

    Is this related to bladyy his method?

    Price: $50
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