Hello I've been wanting to sell this char for a while now, and have remained very confidential about it for my sake. So without further ado here is what the character has. -Fashion (alot) Old velonus set (Full) Mariner Suit (Full) Cerulean Suit (Full) Assassin Suit (Full) Warden Suit (Full) Rabbit zodiac (Full) Snow Patrol (Full) Tyche Suit (Gift/Full) Golden Snake(???/Full) Thumper (Full) Draco (Full) Nicolas/Tannenbaum New (Full) Tannenbaum old (full) Moonfall (Full) Nova (full) Skydra (Chest & Boots) (Armsmaster (Chest) Royal Ivory Suit (Full) Tiger Zodiac Suit (Full) Tiger mask (Gift/Mask) Nine eyed mask -Mounts Snow Kirin Chromatic Moa Avalanche Ligera -Skyblade/ Wings Epic Rorschaq Wings -Gear (All skytouch 14x) +7 Helm +6 Chest +7 Boots +9 Wep 3 star insight of heaven (x2) 3 star Eminence of heaven 2 star eminence of heaven Asc Sin. orb Esper (with Tome and Accessory) Filled star, Scorpio essence Celemirage trinket 6 Spirit wings charm Spiritual Consumption charm -Misc Lvl 8 M/D potions 585 Dragon muscles 200+ skytouch jades Several Titles Affinity 70% maxed out Chroma 45-50% maxed out I realize I'm not asking for nearly as much as other people. But I really dont play this game anymore and figure I shouldn't let all the money and work go to waste. Thank you for viewing! Have a great day [email protected]