Stock a lot Please refer to comments on the stock status is. Payment method you can use paypal, paysafecard, alipay, bitcoin, webmoney, etc. Delivery time If I am online, 1 to 30 minutes after payment (Up to 30minutes) If I am offline, 6 to 24 hours after payment (Up to 24 hours) Contact Discord : what9bong#6915 (Adding friends is mandatory) Price 1dl per $2.9 3dl per $8.4(1dl per $2.8) 5dl per $14 (1dl per $2.8) 10dl per $27 (1dl per $2.7) 30dl per $81 (1dl per $2.7) 50dl per $135 (1dl per $2.7) 100dl per $265 (1dl per $2.65) 200dl per $520 (1dl per $2.6) When use playerup middleman price 1dl per 3usd fix (Cuz, middleman fee so expensive) If you want the above price benefit, please add discord. Deal safely to qualified sellers! Thank you for reading. Team - P&B If I'm out, Contact Piotte.
I have bought one however i bought it without being loged in so i do not know if it said who gave the money however it came out of my balance so add me on discord ( docmain#2933 ) and the world to deliver to is BANPENO. I bought 1DL
I Bought 1 Diamond Lock For $3+ I sent you a friend request on discord, could u accept it? Discord Name : Void#5160