Selling  North America  Legends 80+ Hearthstone 84 legendaries 14k dust 6k gold + WoW + BO4 + Diablo 3 + HoTS

Discussion in 'Hearthstone Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Gutxi, 5/1/19.

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  1. Gutxi

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    Collection: Gutxi's Profile - Member List - HearthPwn
    84 legendaries, 208 epics.

    Gold: 5495
    Dust: 13635

    Dust, Gold and wild cards enough to make any standard deck and play competitive.

    Golden Hunter, Paladin, Warrior, Druid, Warlock. 300 wins aproximately other heroes.
    Account level 538.
    Total wins 5789 , Arena wins 1771.

    Player since beta, card backs: Classic, Fireside, Monster Hunter, Kul tiras, Pizza Stone, Chillin, Frostwolf, Moonwell, VanCardback, Dr. Boom's Lab, Lemonade, Lightforged, Back in blue, Lunara's garden, Raise the roof, Year of the Mammoth, Sparkles, FrostFire, Catacomber, Gone Fishin, Unholy Knight, Frost Knight, Blood Knight, HearthS'mores, The Magic of Dalaran, Sunwell, Un'goro Mystery, Year of the Kraken, Kabal, Grimy Goons, Jade Lotus, Halfhill, Pie, Legion, Medivh's invitation, Tinyfin Beach, Zul'Drak, Shadowmoon Valley, Clutch of Yogg-Saron, Hogger, Thunder Bluff, Love is in the Air, Thrall, Explorer's Map, Highmaul, Exodar, Tournament Grounds, Darkspear, Darnassus, Ninjas!, Cupcake, Ragnaros, Lunar New Year, Maraad, Gnomes, Goblins, Hallow's End, Pirates!, Icecrown, Naxxramas, Rainbow!, Back Temple, Pandaria, Legend, Heroes of the Storm, Machine Dreams, Winter Veil Wreath, Secrete Level, Favorite.

    World of Warcraft:

    If I remember well I think I've played until cataclysm of pandaria, so I guess there is a gnome warlock lvl 90-100 there in the gurubashi server.

    Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls

    HoTS with a few heroes

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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