Selling  Level 95+  Android and iOS EU Server | VIP13 | 187k Diamonds | Ultimate 31 | 54+Bil BR

Discussion in 'Legacy of Discord Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Jotun, 4/29/19.

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  1. Jotun

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    I'm selling this very strong Character with 53+ Bil BR (increasing), because i have less and less time to play.
    Anyways, i will be active in game until i have sold the Account - So BR and Diamonds will increase further :)

    I am second in Arena Ranking with ~10Bil difference to third place.
    The Character can compete with many VIP15 Players and eliminates them in PVP Modes like Immortal Valley, Celestial Tournament - All 100% Legit Recharge

    High Special and Rare Attributes!!

    All Skywings are unlocked, 4 Red Mounts are unlocked, Hydra Unlocked, Rank11 Wrathwings are also unlocked + Warmonger!!
    All Mecha Weapons unlocked except Magnetic Cannon (working on it)

    You will get a very good basic structure - with little more recharge it can be a really powerful Character while V15 ain't even reached.

    As Proof i attached these screenshots from my Character:

    This is my first Trade - For more information don't hesitate to contact me.

    Best Regards
    #1 Jotun, 4/29/19
    Last edited: 4/29/19
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  2. OP

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    Some more details:

    - All Metamorphs unlocked except 6-Star, also high Meta Treasure Slots and high Morph Lv. in itself
    - All Skywings unlocked + onqueror Emblem, Rare Stat Emblems
    - 4 Red Mounts unlocked, 9 Orange Mounts + up to 6 Star Armaments
    - Hydra unlocked + All Red Pets unlocked except latest 4, all Pets awakened to Max except 5 orange Pets (R13, 14, 18, 18, 19)
    - Warmonger unlocked + All Wings unlocked, Amplified to min Lv.15, Warmonger also!! Many Wings Amped to max. (latest R11 (Turbo) and R12 Wings not unlocked)
    - All Mecha Weapons unlocked and Rank 5+ except Magnetic Cannon (working on it)
    - All Wrath Aura unlocked except Nether's and Terra's Light, Skills at Lv. 25+, Class Promo at Maximum
    - All Aegis unlocked, Frost Lv.7, Strom Lv.7, Flame Lv.6, Stars Lv.1
    - All Pantheons of Aurora unlocked, Zeus Rank 2
    - Dark Enchant also at good State
    - 190K+ Diamonds
    - Many saved up Tycoon Resources

    Best regards
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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