Getting rid of my account as I don't have the time to play anymore. Jump straight into endgame for dirt cheap! Most of my heroes are decently geared with their respective UT(s). The most invested unit is Mirianne with about 400k Atk, 102% crit, all treasures, etc. PvP team can easily get into masters. Notables 2300 Rubies 32 Stones of Infinity 360+ million gold Thousands of Fragment and Essences 1 UW ticket 2 UT tickets Various costume tickets 38,000+ Arena Points 47,000+ World Boss Points Many random UTs Many random artifacts (golden mask, cat statue, ring of spirit morph, spring water, blessing of earth, etc included) Various Costumes T5 Heroes Mirianne - 5* UW Maria - UW Clause - UW Rephy - UW Demia - UW Fluss - 3* UW Laias - UW Annette - UW Mediana - 2* UW Viska - UW Zafir - UW Ophelia - 2* UW Scarlet - UW Artemia May Epis Tanya T4 Heroes N/A T3 Heroes Jane 5* And Below Heroes Gau Miruru Luna Kasel/Frey/Cleo/Roi Gladi Aisha Yanne Ricardo Cassandra Theo Oddy Requina Erze Lilia Sonia Shea Lakrak Selene Lorraine I will still log in and do dailies every now and then untill the account sells. I lost the gmail linked to the account as it was a throwaway email and I can't remember the username but I will provide the facebook login + the email linked to the facebook. We will use the middleman to be safe. Let me know if you have any questions! Thanks!