Selling  PC  1-6 Hours 5 Billion Dollars And level 400

Discussion in 'Grand Theft Auto 5 Money For Sale - Buy & Sell GTAV GTA5 Cash' started by Colintur, 4/24/19.

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  1. Colintur

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    Basically, I have a mod menu and i am looking to make some money with it. I have done this to many people before through discord, but it is very rare to find people that want to go through with it. Once they do, they are happy that i didnt scam them. I dont even know how I would be able to scam someone because I would think that to steal someones account, they would send a verification email to the person who im doing it to in order to change the passcode. Basically you will change your passcode before I add the money to your account, and after i complete it, you change it back. I will sign in , mod the money and sign out and then you can enjoy your money. I can do RP to, but there isnt an option to advertise that on here. The longest part of the proccess is loading into gta. I can do people that have either steam or social club, because i have both versions installed. I would include my discord here so i could be on a call with u as i do it, but i think i would get banned. Thank You Discord: Colin#2155
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  2. PlayerUp

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