I would like to address the issue of member's giving themselves feedback as it appears to have surfaced over the recent months. If you have a suspicion that someone is garnering feedback other than how it is conventionally given/received please direct to the and report him/her. Of course, you must have a valid reason for the report. Do not nonchalantly report members for reasons other than what was aforementioned, otherwise you may be infracted for defamation/flaming. If there is already a report against the member,please do not create another one. If you have something to add, that was not stated in the other report, simply post on the thread. *Now, if you are going to make a report please read carefully. Words can be meaningful, but screenshots/picture can visually aid you in getting your argument across to the reader. Therefore, if you can, please include screenshots that is pertinent to your report. Other than serving as evidence, it can help speed up the process and result in less digging for moderators. Please take a look at this thread, (), to see how your report should look like. Note, in that specific example, how his/her screenshot supplemented his/her report. However, keep in mind that in that scenario it was quite explicit that the accused was using multiple accounts to feedback himself/herself. For your reports you may need to do some additional digging; perhaps looking at post/thread history, contact information, account creation date, diction, grammatical style, and etc. Therefore, please use your own judgment in choosing which screenshots should be included for your report.