I will be trading a level 76 existing member runescape account with decent amount of items for a 45+ gunz account with a good amount of prems. STATS for the runescape account: Atk:61 Defence:60 Hp:66 Fishing:70 Mining:51 Ranged:69 Strength:62 Cooking:65 (Mem. only)Agility:45 Prayer:44 Smithing:50 (Mem. only)Crafting:47 Firemaking:46 Magic:58 (Mem. only)Fletching:54 Woodcutting:64 (Mem. only)Runecrafting:29 Many good items, all free quests done. 150k Normal Gold. About 500-750K in items. GunZ Account. Looking for it to be lvl 45-50. A good amount of premiums would be nice. I will reply to any reply that catches my eye.