level 47 female. 33 male, 36male decked out with prems, 36 female decked out in prems

Discussion in 'GunZ Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/2/14.

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  1. Games

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    I Will be selling these accounts mainly for

    1. visa gift cards

    2. nx cards

    3. scanian mesos

    4. maplestory accounts 90+ with sq1, sq2, bday, last name

    5. runescape

    6. maybe paypal

    I will not go first .

    Unless you have higher feedback (points to iTrader)

    Now for the accounts

    47 female

    deities aura set..and like 2 others?.look at pic :]

    33 male

    with 2 sets

    36 male with two pages of prems: ] 4+ sets and lots of gunz

    36 female decked with prems 4+ sets and lots of guns

    any questions?

    feel free to contact me


    funkyaznb0i (aim)

    He dindt scam when i traded him !

    He can be trusted.

    I have a lvl 79 runescape account.. want?

    does it have money or membership?

    state items

    accoounts are still for sale :]

    $36 ok?i think it be ok =)

    for which one?
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