Sold Fast and cheap boosting services [Na]

Discussion in 'League of Legends Boosting - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/gugu172, 4/19/19.

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  1. /u/gugu172

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    I will be boosting on the NA server from Iron-D4. I guarantee at least a 60% win-rate with my boosts and at least 75% in plat or below. These prices can be # depending on current LP and LP Gains.

    add me for more info: Discord- gugu172#9877

    Solo Prices:

    Iron 4 - Bronze 4: $8 per division

    Bronze 4 - Silver 4: $10 per division
    Silver 4-Gold 4: $12 per division

    Gold 4-Plat 4: $15 per division

    Plat 4-Plat3: $15

    Plat3-Plat2: $20
    Plat2-Plat1: $25
    Plat1-Diamond4: $35
    Prices can be negotiated through discord by your current lp and lp gains in the rank you are currently in

    Duo prices are 1.75x below plat and 2x plat+

    If you gain less than 16 lp, it’s 1.4x total cost

    Paypal only

    Vouch Thread :

    # #/gugu172
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