Hi, i just start play Gunz.. And i just remeber i have a WoW account. So now i wanna trade / sell it for a good price.. Lvls: 80 - Mage, hord, troll. 80 - Dk, hord, paladin. 49 - Rouge, hord, troll. 37 - Warlock, hord, paladin. So i trade this account for a really good account! The account i wanna have must have 2, lvl 40+ and alot of G Coins stuffs! Or i just can sell it. Cuz i dont play more, so wanna buy it? Then i accept paypal. Also i have sq. To the account. And i think i want 50 - 75$ for it.. It have really good gear. Add me on msn for more info! Thanks, seeya soon!