Hey Reddit, I am a new booster whose looking to take on some new clients! I have done around 3 orders so far and have yet to lose a game (in low elo) I am also looking for some vouches so if you want I can do 1-2 # games for some vouches just shoot me a message! NA Right now I can do any Division in Iron for 6$ Bronze for 7$ Silver for 9$ Gold for 15$ Anything above that shoot me a message and we can negotiate. I main mid but can easily play any role and most champions at least diamond level if you have any specific requirements. Duo prices are just a few dollars extra and we can work something out if you're interested. Thank you for reading shoot me a message on discord or reddit. Discord: Verity#6697 I will usually always respond very quickly! Some examples https://imgur.com/a/yom2JAV Vouch : playerup.com/r/Lolboosting/comments/bcgzoz/verity_rep_thread/ # #/RaidVerity # .