Sold Trustworthy Solo & Duo Que Boost For NA Server

Discussion in 'League of Legends Boosting - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/LeagueKass, 4/13/19.

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  1. /u/LeagueKass

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    About Me:

    • I have been playing league since season 2.

    • My peak was diamond 1 in season 3.

    • I currently main mid and top.

    I am offering cheap and fast boosting service and placement games on NA server.

    Solo Queue Prices

    Iron 4 to Iron 3 = $7 USD

    Iron 3 to Iron 2 = $7 USD

    Iron 2 to Iron 1 = $7 USD

    Iron 1 to Bronze 4 = $7 USD

    Bronze 4 to bronze 3 = $8 USD

    Bronze 3 to bronze 2 = $8 USD

    Bronze 2 to bronze 1 = $8 USD

    Bronze 1 to Silver 4 = $9 USD

    Silver 4 to Silver 3 = $10 USD

    Silver 3 to Silver 2 = $11 USD

    Silver 2 to Silver 1 = $12 USD

    Silver 1 to Gold 4 = $14 USD

    Gold 4 to Gold 3 = $16 USD

    Gold 3 to Gold 2 = $18 USD

    Gold 2 to Gold 1 = $20 USD

    Gold 1 to Platinum 4 = $22 USD

    Duo Queue Prices

    Iron 4 to Iron 3 = $14 USD

    Iron 3 to Iron 2 = $14 USD

    Iron 2 to Iron 1 = $14 USD

    Iron 1 to Bronze 4 = $14 USD

    Bronze 4 to bronze 3 = $16 USD

    Bronze 3 to bronze 2 = $16 USD

    Bronze 2 to bronze 1 = $16 USD

    Bronze 1 to Silver 4 = $18 USD

    Silver 4 to Silver 3 = $20 USD

    Silver 3 to Silver 2 = $22 USD

    Silver 2 to Silver 1 = $24 USD

    Silver 1 to Gold 4 = $28 USD

    Gold 4 to Gold 3 = $32 USD

    Gold 3 to Gold 2 = $36 USD

    Gold 2 to Gold 1 = $40 USD

    Gold 1 to Platinum 4 = $44 USD

    25% more expensive, if you order multiple division in duo boost.

    New Service For Duo Que Boost

    $2 per game in Iron

    $3 per game in Bronze

    $4 per game in Silver

    $5 per game in Gold

    $6 per game in Platinum

    This service does not guarantee a win though. So, you also need to put in effort into the games.

    For net wins in solo or duo que service, please DM me for more info.

    Discord: Jack Ma#5369

    Payments are made through PayPal.

    Vouch Thread: Vouch

    Old Vouch Thread: Vouch

    # #/LeagueKass
    # .
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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