i am selling my mobile royale account here are some screenshot , i linked the game to a new facebook. account created on a new gmail account so i can give you the facebook. and the gmailaccount so you will be able to get back facebook. login for whatever reason Album — Postimage.org i have good warfare research : infantry , cavalry , ranged hp/atk/def level 9 , max travel speed , army hp/def/atk level 7 you can also buy the new progression pack to get like 120k diamonds i have lot of resources in bag .... 1.300.000.000 food ( will write later wood and stone , server just closed for update LOL )
360kk stone and 360kk wood in bag 800 hours training speed up and lot of stuff currently 55kk might , as i am playing everyday for now i also accept offers , 65 usd still fine