Selling  Android  High End High End Account- All heroes - 2million power lvl 38 ANDROID

Discussion in 'Art of Conquest Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by LadyHusky, 4/7/19.

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  1. LadyHusky

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    Hello potential buyer,

    I'm selling my 4-month-old art of conquest account due to my job, details below(also look at the pictures):
    - Server: 2039 This means you can migrate to 2039 and lower servers(such as server 11 etc.)
    - Current level: 38(constructing 39)
    - Total Power: 2004k
    - Troop Power: 737.6k
    - Hero Power: 50.14l
    - Garrison Power: 240.6k
    - Dragon Power: 30.7k (lvl 41)
    - Building Power: 70.26k
    - Research Power: 705.1k
    - Temple Power: 170,2k
    - Valor: 10(at 25760 points)
    - Heroes: All of them(26)(Incl. Jacques worth 100$)
    - Current race: Rakkan
    - Patron: Monthly Patron(7d left as of now), Lifetime Patron active
    - Resources: |Gold- 20m |Elixer - 42m |Wood - 40m |
    |Red crystals- 115.2k|Mithril- 87.89k|Purple Crystal - 75.48k|
    |Alchemy stones- 133k| Troop speeder- 7d 16h| Building Speeder - 3h| 1361 Linari
    - Troops: All tier 13 except a few
    - Garrison filled with golden troops(90 currently)
    - current server details: 2039 is a rather peaceful server, my current house is the ruling house of 2039
    - Emperor status: once
    - Extra Mounts: Frosty Reindeer, Hover Bike, Temperory mounts: Cerberus and ostrich
    - Potions: 929 Energy potions, 643 Magic Potions, 800 revive potions

    Account can be used as a turtle account or a farm account. Use it however you like

    Limited heroes will be implemented soon, the hero abilities is tweaked according to that limit!
    Discord name Architius#8610 for pictures, other forms of communication may include Kik., Facebook., Whatsapp, Intstagram, possibly weChat.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. PlayerUp

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