Rank : Major Level : 22 Current Ship : Dusklight Cyborg Experience : 10.700.000.000 Honor : 204.735.000 Jump Credits : 2.982 Credits : 3 billion Uridium : 1.871.000 Skylab : All Level 20 Pilot points used : 43/50 Lasers n Rocket Launcher: * 11 Prometheus Lasers * 5 Magma Drill Lf4 Lasers * 7 Hyperplasmoid Lf4 Lasers * 4 ParityDrill Lf4 Lasers * 100+ of LF4 Lasers are level 1 * 26 LF4 Lasers are level 16 * Hellstorm Launcher 2 are level 16 Shields: *SHIELD B02 all level 16 Ammunition *SAB-50 = 2.990.000 *x2 = 4.340.000 *x3 = 1.410.000 *x4 = 1.640.000 *PLT-2021 = 117.777 *RSB = 104.000 *EMP = 213 *PLT-3030 = 19.000 *PLD-8 = 48.200 *R-IC3 = 3.421 Drones: *8 Irises all level 16 *Apis and zeus are level 16 *2 Havocs design *10 Spartans design *12 Hercules Design Drone Cosmetic Designs: *11 Hailstorm Drone Designs/ icy drones *10 Poison Spectrum Drone Designs *10 Storm Enigma Drone Designs Drone Formations: *Wheel Formation, Veteran Formation, Ring Formation, Drill Formation, Heart Formation, Moth Formation, Diamond, Formation, Double Arrow Formation, Pincer Formation. Goliath Champion Skins: *Argon G-Champion, Dusklight G-Champion, Lava G-Champion, Lava G-Champion, Iceland G-Champion, USA Champion, Switzerland G-Champion Pet: -Level 20 -Arctic, Borealis, Blaze, etc....Designs -11 Laser Protocols all level 3 -full LF4 level 1 -Level 3 Kamikazee Detonator, Level 3 Enemy Locator, Level 3 Auto Resource Collector, Level 3 Pet repairer, Level 3 Combo ship repair Gear, Level 3 Auto Looter Miscellaneous Items: *1 Hull module and 1 Deflector Module are level 16 *662 Indoctrine Oil - Hecate ship - Pusat Ship(2 designs) - Goliath: Sentinel(1 design), Venom, Spectrum(1 design), Solace(1 design) - Goliath Referee, Goliath Kick, Goliath Goal - with 1 day shared boosters - 1 Hades gate open for more information email me @BestieGreatie@gmail.com #1 BestieGreatie, 3/23/19