Sold [PS4] Selling 1.3M MT $10/100k

Discussion in 'NBA 2k MT for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by /u/MarcLiq, 4/4/19.

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  1. /u/MarcLiq

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    I’ll cover the tax! {924k left} I don’t have any rep on my page since I normally just buy MT, but I just sold 300k to one person successfully and they went first! I recently quit MyTeam so now I’m just selling what I have. I reached out to a few guys I had deals with so hopefully they give me some rep soon. If you PM me, I could give you my personal twitter so you can see I’m legit and not trynna scum you. Anyways, here’s my rep page. Like I said, I hope they leave the rep soon:

    # #/MarcLiq
    # .
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