Selling  iOS  High End Account LVL 60 Power 4150

Discussion in 'Empires & Puzzles Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Nunovsky, 4/4/19.

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  1. Nunovsky

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    Price $:
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    Level 60
    Power of the team 4150.
    Lots of heroes full to change in war and raids.
    All buildings level 20.....all in max!
    Many ascension items.
    Many heroes upgraded in talent grid.
    141 world energy flask
    47 Raid energy flask
    26 titan energy flask
    20 Epic troop token
    9 Epic heroe token
    136 atalantic coin
    70 Loot ticket
    850+ Emblem for talent grid

    Yellow heroes:
    5* Delilah full, Joon full, Vivica 4/69 ; Drake Fong 3/70; 2nd Joon 3/70, 3rd Joon 1/2, Justice 1/1
    4* Wu Kong full, Hu Tao full, Chao 2/45, Li Xiu 1/1.
    3* Bane full.

    Blue heroes:

    5* Aegir full, Insarnia full, Magni 4/35.
    4* Valeria full,Kiril full, Grimm full,Sonya full, Boril 4/1,2nd kiril 2/40,2nd Grimm1/1, 2xSonya 1/1.
    3* Karil full, Ulmer,Valen , Gato no upgrade

    Green heroes:

    5* Lianna full, 2x Elkanen 3/70, 2nd Lianna 3/70, , Horgall 3/70, 2x Kadilen, 1/1
    4* Caedmon full, Kashhrek full , Gadeirus 4/10, 2x Caedmon 1/1, Melendor no upgrade, Kashhrek no upgrade.
    3* Berden full, Brienne full, Mnesseus full, Belith 1/1

    Purple heroes:
    5* 2x Sartana full, Obakan full, domitia 3/70, quintus no upgrade.
    4* Proteus full, Rigard full, tiburtus full,Cyprian 4/13, Boomer 1/5, 4x Proteus 1/1, Rigard 1/1, Sabina 1/1, 2nd Tiburtus 1/1
    3* Tyrum full, Balthazar full, Chocin and Vlad no upgrade.

    Red Heroes:

    5* Marjana full, Natalya full, Azlar 3/70, 2nd Azlar 2/56, Khagan 3/42, 3rd Azlar, 3x Elena and 2nd Khagan no upgraded
    4* Sumitomo full, Sir Lancelot full, Boldtusk full, Gormek full,Kelile 1/10, 2nd Sir Lancelot 1/1, Colen 1/1, Scarlett 1/1
    3*Nashgar full, Namahage full, Hawkmoon full, Rudolph no upgrade

    Epic troops available. At least one per color elevated to the followings:

    - level-20 Blue

    - level-20 Red

    - level-20 Yellow

    - level-17 Purple

    - level-20 Green

    Other 3* and 2* troops available
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. PlayerUp

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