Sold Gwent Account - Almost Full Premium Collection and Many Other Event Related stuff + 240.000 Scraps

Discussion in 'Gwent Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by KaynOfNosgoth, 4/4/19.

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  1. KaynOfNosgoth

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    I'm selling my gwent account because i got bored with the game and i don't wanna let it just rot.

    Disclaimer - The account doesn't have the Thronebreaker bought (which means it doesn't have the story mode that comes with it and it doesn't have the premium cards from it but it has all the standard cards crafted from Thronebreaker) and it doesn't have all the new Crimson Curse cards (not the premium versions, the standard ones are all there).

    Now on to what it does have:

    1. All bronze cards in premium version (except the ones i mentioned above)
    2. All gold cards in premium version (except the ones i mentioned above)
    3. Limited Edition rewards given to those participating in the Closed Beta like the Avatar "Geralt (Witcher 1)" and the Title "Pioneer"
    4. The Mahakam Ale Festival event completed and all the rewards collected
    5. Saovine: Holiday of the Dead event completed and all the rewards collected
    6. It also has the pheonix avatar, boarder and title from the respective event but i can't remember how it was called :D
    7. Almost all the avatars, boarders and titles from the competitive events from the closed beta that didn't required to be top 1000 (that includes avatars like Eredin without helmet, Letho, Dagon, Radovid, Imlerith without helmet etc.)
    8. It doesn't have much ore or meteorite powder because i used most of it for golden cards in this new expansion but it has 240.000 scraps and that's enough to last you 10 expansions from now on.

    I'm currently still playing so the ore, meteorite powder and scraps might increase.

    If interested, contact me on discord Kayn#3919
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