Selling  Android and iOS  High End CC30 WWR ACCT - HYPERION

Discussion in 'World War Rising Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by MADMAX021, 3/22/19.

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  1. MADMAX021

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    For sale is a CC30 account with over 71 million, 9.4 million in research power. Level 100 Riggs, level 74 Xira. Almost full legendary flamethrower (purple pistol) and nearly full legendary Cerberus (purple jacket and helmet) gear. Combat, defense, missile, and hero research trees are fully maxed, with deployment research at a level 9 for everything but combat which is at level 13. 6 million in gold, 2 million t3, 1 million t4. Almost all buildings at level 30. Weeks upon weeks of speedups, tons of items in inventory. Science building research is close to halfway completed. Vehicle building is leveled and Cerberus is level 7... extra deployment dossiers... and so much more...
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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