Sold   Toram Online Account (Main+Storage)

Discussion in 'Toram Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by xxunowenxx, 3/20/19.

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  1. xxunowenxx

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    Selling in package my main account and storage account. I'm quitting due to the rollback because I got no more time to level up. Make your offers to [email protected] or line me (ID: lilium.duchartrei) or Discord (@LynneSuzuran#4638). I will give you screenshots. I will sell it to whoever has the highest bid ^^ Via Paypal.


    Main Account (6 char slot)

    - 136 mage dps (there's dark skill)

    - 115 1h+md (dark skill n magic warrior)

    - 115 bs tech (prof bs 5, alchemy 54)

    - 116 tank

    - 65 luk

    - 13 unclear

    * Orb 37, shard 55, ava ticket 3, piece 101

    * Vip ticket still active (standard, leveling, bag expansion)

    * Spina 3.9M

    * Notable Equips:

    - Vulcan Staff 144+S Imi+Mozto, with app + dye

    - Knuckles 5+C Vit7% MaxHP7% Nightmare Potum+Builder Golem

    - Modestia drop P.Ava 2

    - Adv Garb 14+C MInt7% Ico+Ifrid with dye

    - Scholar's Glasses 2S

    - Scholar's Glasses 3+C Gespenst II+Ancient Empress 2, Dye B1C1

    - Beast Fang Talisman 2S Venena+Deniala

    - Machina Ring Lalvada+Guignol

    - Mozt Armor FC16 103+C 1S Ornlarf

    - Shaved Ice Hat 1S Gespenst II

    - Holy Robe Aggro MaxHP VIT 1S, Dye A1

    - Mushroom Cap 1S

    - 3rd Anniv Staff VII 221+B 1S Mozto, Dye A68 B41

    - 3rd Anniv Sword A7CCC17 213+C 1S Zolban

    - Drills drop Potum for Tank

    *Lost items that might recover if Asobimo can really recover the lost items:

    - 3rd anniv sword VII 213+S agi7% aspd16% cdcr16 2S (Pomie, Megiston) app sakura black dyes

    - Subhand 3rd annivsword VII Fire Ele +B, Dark Ele +C

    - Mozt Armor 106+C agi7ccc17 1s

    - Adv Garb ref +C agi6%crcrcd16

    - Pirate Bandana +C 1S (WW)

    - Armor tank 1S (mom fluck)

    - App Proto Clarity

    - Xtal Ifrid, Yelb, Sunlight Potum, York, etc

    - Petcage Santa Potum

    - etc

    * Avatar top bottom star parade and lots of accessories. There's Ino-shika-cho top and accessories, Shinryuu top bottom accessories

    * Special Item such as leveling items, book of oblivion

    * Storage A 100, B 10

    * Land and house with decent furniture, pet Perro, etc

    Storage Account

    - lv 16 storage A 40

    - orb 10, shard 34, ava ticket 6

    - items: book of darkness, petcage Summer Potum, hairstyle book, Yashiro Mom Mask 1S, etc
    #1 xxunowenxx, 3/20/19
    Last edited: 3/20/19
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