Selling LVL 138 RS3 account. Has 20 99's(2519 Total LVL), 366 Quest Points(Has QPC but new quest needs completed), Expert Combatant Cape, No offences/Never botted , 99k loyalty points, 353k dung tokens, and Membership until December '15. Ardougne, Karamja, Falador, Lumbridge, Varrock, Seers Village tasks all complete. User name login. Everything in pics is included along with the 22m in pouch. Payment gets Email change/Login info/PIN Asking $150 Firm. Paypal only. Need to sell asap. Contact me via Skype - facebook.:wolfnicholas79
This message is to inform the seller and original author of this thread that a buyer has completed payment for this account listing. We will now be creating a ticket upon verifying the buyers payment. Buyer = @metroidtime
The buyer has confirmed as-described delivery and full transfer of game account ownership. The seller will receive payment shortly. This transaction has now been completed. No further action is required from either member unless they wish to leave feedback for each other. Payment Status: Pending Seller Verification