Located in Kingdom #14. Currently have 125 mil power, but will continue to grow as it is still being played. Almost 650k troops, mostly Tier 4 troops. All buildings inside are at max, including the treasury. Has over 40k gold total. Over 90 days of speedups and many other items. Hero is maxed with many items crafted for kill events and for researching/building power. Hero can attack monsters up to level 5. Outer buildings are set to make over 400k wood per hour. Silver currently making 379k per hour. All Combat, Strategic Combat, and Wall Trap researches are done and maxed. Economics is all maxed except for Gold Gathering which is at level 9. VIP10 Gift Mode and Higher Roller are enabled. $99 value from store. Buildings: Level 21 is max for all buildings except Treasury which maxes out at 7 1 Level 21 Stronghold 1 Level 7 Treasury 1 Level 21 Marketplace 1 Level 21 Gymnos 1 Level 21 Hall of War 1 Level 21 Prison 1 Level 21 Altar 1 Level 21 Watchtower 1 Level 21 Embassy 1 Level 21 Academy 1 Level 21 Forge 1 Level 21 Wall 6 Level 21 Hospitals 2 Level 21 Barracks 8 Level 21 Villas Outer Buildings: These are the only buildings left to upgrade then every building upgrade is done. The levels will increase on these as they're still being upgraded. Logging Camps: 1 Level 21, 10 Level 20, 1 Level 17, 1 Level 15, 1 Level 14, 5 Level 13, 2 Level 12 1 Level 21 Quarry 1 Level 21 Mine Farms: 1 Level 21, 1 Level 18 Wall Traps currently at 54,725 out of 125,000 all level 4 traps and will continue to go up. Inventory: Legendary Items: Hercule's Sandals, Leonida's Helmet, Tower Shield, Achilles's Armor, Glass Vase, Spiked Rock Skull, Chalice, 2 Petasos, Iron Gauntlet. Total of 6 of these with various gems equipped Other weapons with high boosts: playerup.com, Rabbit Boots, Hephaestus' Hammer, 2 Chalice, Spiked Armor, Icarus Wings, 3 of The Odyssey, Ice Sickle, Medusa Head, Mammoth Hide Greaves, Iron Apron, and several other ancient items Items include hundreds attack and defense boosts. Lots of Fake Army, March Recalls, and hundreds of resources boosts, etc Profile has over 11 mil kills, 3904 battles won, Battles Win/Loss Ratio of 40.25, and many others. Also in a great alliance where resources are banked and shared. Feel free to ask me any questions. Middleman Link Buy Now Secure Order Checkout | PlayerUp Middleman
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