Server: Cerberus Level: 99 Race: Mithra Class: Blue Mage Gender: Female Additional Information: Subjobs 99 Monk 99 Dark Knight 99 Ranger + Many Jobs Over Level 50 Characters Equipment All BLU AF armor with a couple pieces being +2. Bihkah Sword-Main Hand Has twilight gear, missing pieces are Knife, Helm, and Mail. Lots of gear and stuff done. Zilart almost clear, has Suppanomimi. Additioanl Information - Over 5 million in gil on the account not including gear and other sellable items. - Cleared CoP up to Dawn- Raja's Ring. Able to spawn many VW NM's. Only missing Pil for Jeuno T3. Over 2 million Cruor and over 100k Bayld. Blue Mage is the main on this account and is missing a couple spells still. I'll make it easy and tell you which ones they are so you don't have to hunt trying to figure it out, lol. Spells missing - Sub-Zero Smash, Bilgestorm, Tourbillion, Quadrastrike, and Bloodrake. I deleted my list I was keeping but I'm almost 100% positive that is all there was left on it. All expansions and add-ons are registered. Has Destier Beret as a notable item. However not much use left in it as there are only 3 jobs left on the account that are not lv. 30+. Once Scholar, Geomancer, and Rune Fencer are leveled up to 30 you won't need the hat anymore and all jobs can be keyed to 99. Many skills are leveled to at least the cap of a lv 50 character since most leveling was done before abyssea and skills were easier to cap. Not really any notable crafts. Woodworking is around 35. High enough to craft lots of ammo for RNG. This account is eligible to be played on the XBOX, PlayStation, and PC Main Characters Rank: All Subjobs Unlocked?: Number of Subjobs over Level 30: Total Conquest Points: Total Merits: All Assets (Describe): All Merits (Describe): All Combat Skills (Describe): All Magic Skills (Describe): All Passes/Keys (Describe): All Missions Completed (Describe): All Crystals (Describe): All Summons (Describe): AF: Best Way To Sum Main Jobs Equipment: Describe All Jobs Equipment: Select the number of craftskills over skill level 10: Linked To XBox Live: World Transferable: Yes - Available Now If selected no, when will it be transferrable?: Face Types: Expansions:
The buyer has confirmed as-described delivery and full transfer of game account ownership. The seller will receive payment shortly. This transaction has now been completed. No further action is required from either member unless they wish to leave feedback for each other. Payment Status: Completed