Momoaap's Character Page Alright, So this is my AQW character, i quit AQW some time ago. So i'm looking for someone who wants to offer 20$ for it. contact me on my skype : PudaroxPS3 my email : [email protected] Those are the items i've got, i have some stuff left in my bank but i'm to lazy to log on :P Copper PvP Amulet +500 Courtly Cape Doom Wings of Ishtar Grimlord Cloak of Nulgath Sage Void of Revontheus Wild Shades 12 Archfiend's Favor Bone Dust Fortune Potion CLASS Boost! (1 hr) Doom XP Boost! (1 hr) REPUTATION Boost! (1 hr) Pancake Moglin Sir Liest Slendermog Abyssal Lighting Orbs of Nulgath Doom Dynamite Undead Assassin Swords Ungodly Reavers of Nulgath Blade Of The Mount Hebi Twintana Red Light Sword Underworld Sword of Loyalty Classes & Armors Dragonlord (Rank 10) Elemental Dracomancer (Rank 5) Master Ranger (Rank 6) Shaman (Rank 5) Troll Spellsmith (Rank 5) Blade Master Doom Madness of Chaos Hidden Chaos Rogue Phantom Count Undead Champion
Those are some extra screenshots: Gyazo - 4f661dd012b486323f29cb40588ca2da.png Gyazo - 6154694c6212d2e806481c107f7a52dd.png Gyazo - 464244a25b58d520749efc9f90bbb16a.png