Hey guys, I'm selling my 125k might account because I don't have time to play the game anymore. The account has: Vlad Dracula level 162 Skill:9/10 Talent: 5/5 Revitalize (Evolved) (2 duplicate) Pumpkin Duke level 160 Skill:9/10 Talent:7/8 Berserk (Evolved) (4 duplicates) Cupid Level:156 Skill:10/10 Talent:4/5 Revitalize (Evolved) (1 duplicate) Santa Boom level:156 Skill:9/10 Talent:6/8 War God (Evolved) Druid level:149 Skill: 8/10 Talent:4/8 Berserk (Evolved) (6 duplicates) Spirit Mage level:180 Skill:7/10 Talent:5/8 Berserk Thunder God level:180 Skill: 6/10 Talent: 5/5 Revitalize (2 Duplicates) Minotaur level:180 Skill:8/10 Talent: 3/8 Berserk Skull knight level:180 Skill:7/10 Talent:5/8 Slow down (3 Duplicates) Dread Drake level:180 Skill: 7/10 Talent: 4/5 Enlighten Orksbane level:168 Skill:6/10 Talent 5/8 Life Drain (1 duplicate) Warlock level:168 Skill: 7/10 Talent: 3/5 Revitalize Pixie level:157 Skill: 7/10 Talent: 5/5 Corrode(1 duplicate) Destroyer level:156 Skill: 6/10 Talent: 3/8 Berserk Atlanticore level: 155 Skill: 4/10 Talent 4/8 Revive Grizzly Reaper level: 152 skill: 2/10 Talent 5/8 Sprint(1 duplicate ) Harpy Queen level: 152 skill: 6/8 Talent: 5/8 Scatter Immortep level: 146 skill: 3/10 Talent 3/8 War god (3 Duplicates) Champion level: 142 skill: 3/8 Talent: 4/5 Revitalize(7 Duplicates) Treantur level: 138 skill: 3/10 Talent: 5/8 slow down Snowzilla level: 137 skill: 4/10 Talent: 4/8 Heavy blow(1 duplicate ) Death Knight level:137 skill: 3/10 Talent: 4/8 War God Paladin: level 123 skill: 1/10 Talent 5/5 Enlighten (7 Duplicates ) Ninja: level 120 skill: 1/10 Talent: 2/8 Self Destruct (2 Duplicates ) Succubus level 120 skill: 1/10 Talent: 3/8 Blade Shell Level 20 in Lost Realm Farms 50% T and rest 100% Farms L17 in Hero Trials Interested? Contact me on Line: anasabdh
Now has 2 ghoulems and evolved Dread Drake and Minotaur and skull knight now has a duplicate spirit mage and 4 more Vlads 1 more skull knight 5 warlock Duplicates and more.. add me on line if you are interested : anasabdh
Buyers Be Warned/Notified, this seller will NOT use middleman, on the basis that he cannot trust them. However, he insists that the buyer pay first. While he is offering a good deal, this is the most classic setup for a scam I have ever seen. I even offered to pay the middleman fees. How on earth could he expect me to think HE is more trustworthy than playerup's middleman??
I was scammed by this guy, ignore and close this thread as soon as possible please, i will open a disput now.
I'm so sorry this happened Erixon. I tried to warn people, and I notified the Admin with a ticket but I don't think anyone looked at it.
I am still talking to him, he didn´t dissapear yet, so i´ll try to get the account information...he has got the money and i have nothing, if i dont get the information today i will demand and open dispute.
Yeah..scamed and made fun of me...reporting to police today...also will open dispute to warn everyone else.
Then get off this site. There's no reason for you to use this site if you don't trust their middleman. You expect people to risk their money while you risk nothing. As long as you maintain that procedure, you are a scammer in my book, and should be in everyone else's as well.
I have suspected Phoenix/Dhanta of being a scammer for several days. However, he messaged me today and conversed with me at length for several hours, eventually convincing me that he may actually just be nervous about letting middleman handle his account. Additionally, he agreed to give me a $100 Amazon gift card first, then I would pay $105, then he would give me his account, then I would pay the rest. This seemed fair to me, considering he was the one who didn't want to use middleman and he was "risking" first. He gave me the Amazon gift card. However, after I sent him the money, he left the chat. What an elaborate and risky scam. I can honestly say I'm not that surprised, but still a little surprised. The pics are in number order, but I had to skip some (irrelevant ones) to get within the 10 pic limit.
[trigger=error]Trigger regex is invalid: scammer for several days[/trigger] [trigger=by]For: AuburnSky Re: #15[/trigger]