Base: Troops: Walls: Extra notes: This base is available for linking to IOS and name change. Contact me if you require any additional information. Buy Now Secure Order Checkout | PlayerUp Middleman
You're not considering how many walls are done and how the most expensive buildings are now maxed. Comparatively, the teslas and troops are cheap. I've looked at all of the bases sold on this site and I think that the price put on this base is quite reasonable.
Update : 200 walls to level 10 xbow maxed --> Upgrade to level 20 archer queen started. Level 8 Lab finished --> Upgrade to level 8 mortar started. Inferno tower maxed--> Upgrade to level 6 tesla started.
Final reduction, after about I week I will take this listing off if a buyer has not been found. $250 - Buy Now Secure Order Checkout | PlayerUp Middleman Send me a PM if you're interested and I will provide you with the details to check the base for yourself. Thanks.
Hello, Is this account still for sale? If the account is still for sale, recommendation is to lower your price to find a buyer.