Account for sale 3,5billion power Kingdom #30 ( very active kingdom, rally and zeroing 1,5bill power below) This kingdom won almost kvk ke! ( with 1prize monster cup 2015) 200-300 alliance gift per day 3,5bill power (1,2bill research power) Prestige Vip 12( open all chest with 1click) 77million strategies t3 troops 10million strategies t4 Hero research: maxed Restoactive research : maxed March research: maxed Craft research : maxed Legendary Cavalry regular gear + cavalry cores gear Legendary Infantry regular gear + infantry cores gear Legendary Rangef regular gear + Ranged cores gear Legendary Monster gear Research regular gear + relice research gear Traning troop regular gear + training troop relice gear Hero energy 480x 10.000, 20x 20.000 and 15x 50.000 Dark energy 26million Ore: 3,5bill Wood: 6bill Stone: 3,5bil Food: 1,4 bill Silver: 1,2bill Gold: 250k + Treasure lvl 7 which 20k gold deposit 4x30 days speed up 1x 7days speed up 10x 24hour speed up 10x 15hour speed up A ton of 3hour and 1hour speed up Ton of chest unopen A Ton of legendary cores, A Ton of legendary pieces A Tob of legendary Materials A Ton of Gems level 6 35million loyalty( to buy advance teleport) Screen shots is available Email: [email protected] Asking price: 2100$
update: 5,2 bill power Over 1,5bill research power Vip 13 Hero level 55+ 730mil EXP Billion rss ( silver and food too) 3year speed up 130mill troops(50mill Strategy T4) Ton of gold materials for crafting all set bonus Pack gift lvl 86 Line: tainguyen76 ( screen shots available) Price: 2500$
Account in kingdom 30 Kezia 5,2billion power 1,52 billion research power Billion of resources Ton of core (never used) Dropping price 1500$
Dropping price: 1500$ 5,2 billion power 1,52 billion research power Vip 14 Add Line: tainguyen76 > no trade no swap, selling only!