Main Characters Equipment: 4 - Good Equipment (Fully Geared) Describe Characters Equipment: full moria armor set, 2 maxed out lvl 65 3rd age weapons. Excellent jewelry. most virtues are 10 or close to it. most traits have been unlocked. Also, all the gold is on the champion tarathion. Main Characters Stats: armor 4,827/power 2,343/morale 6,470/Might 539 /Agility 537/ Vitality 535/ Will 141/ Fate 278 /Radiance 100/ Melee Crit 2254/ Ranged Crit 1342/ Tactical Crit 556 / Fear 891/ Wound 1070 /Disease 1070 /Poison 1476 /Common Def. 5366 /Fire Def. 1500/ Frost Def. 1500 /Shadow Def. 1592/ Lightning Def. 1500/ Acid Def. 2220 / Block 3455/ Evade 2786/ Parry 2536 Destiny Points: Select the number of alts over level 30: Alternative Character Server: Landroval Alternative Character Level: 65 Alternative Character Class: Guardian Alternative Character Server: Landroval Alternative Character Level: 35 Alternative Character Class: Rune Keeper Lifetime Membership On Account: Yes Additional Information The champion tarathion has all the gold, do not delete him.