Level 65 Champion Man Male on Vilya

Discussion in 'LOTRO Lords of the Rings Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by LOTRO, 10/1/13.

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  1. LOTRO

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    Main Characters Equipment: 6 - Best Possible Equipment (Fully Geared)
    Describe Characters Equipment: DN Gear, Watcher Set, Brass Anvil, Second age 65 Greataxe, Dn jewelry, Aureate Jewelry,
    Main Characters Stats: 6585 Morale, 2103 Power, 588 might, 528 agility, 602 vitality, 129 fate, 129 will
    Destiny Points: 99252
    Select the number of alts over level 30:
    Alternative Character Server: Vilya
    Alternative Character Level: 65
    Alternative Character Class: Hunter
    Alternative Character Server: Vilya
    Alternative Character Level: 65
    Alternative Character Class: Captain
    Alternative Character Server: Vilya
    Alternative Character Level: 65
    Alternative Character Class: Rune Keeper
    Lifetime Membership On Account: No

    Additional Information

    Total Gold
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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