WTT My 217 Keeper played him for a long time now but decided its the end. Im growing tired of keeper and want to try out new things. I got on the keeper: Infused Defender Defender Ofab ql 300 (some lower but not permanent)(sold ai armor ofc) Ofab weapon ql 300 with Mk6 Symbiants lvl 100 req - 170 req (not so amazing:P) not banned from any # and is in good standings. No rep at all aswell. almost nobody know who he is. Got Beast helmet. Keeper star (also activation code). RK1 character I want to trade the acc for either AO acc 216 - 220 (MA | advy | nt | crat (crat must be 220:P) RK1 perhaps RK2 if good enough Also for Wow acc : level 70 atleast got good standings, payed for 1 month so i can try it out. atleast have some epics. Prefer Mage, Pala, Priest, Warlock and Warrior. perhaps Rogue if good enough. EU or US its the same for me. (I am not so greedy with gear. Add me on even if you got lousy gear:P just so I can decide.) Also got a extra account containing 220 mp and tl7 agent RK1 trading with that if its a good character you are offering. Contact me via at Kristoffersauro@ (please check out the Beta key Thread i also have.)